Founders | Board | Performers |Interpreters


JQ Welch


co-President, art/music director & actor

JQ Welch is the President and co-founder of Mystic River Theater Company. As a performer, they have been in several of their high school's stage productions, including appearances as Steve/Caroler in Rent and Piragüero in In The Heights. Outside of theater, they have a passion for music and the arts, but not in, like, a pretentious way. No, JQ doesn't stand for anything, don't ask.


Val Mandl

she/her/hers & they/them/theirs

co-president, marketing & Website team & actor

Val is the Co-President and co-founder of MRTC. She is just 17 years old, but already has big dreams. She has performed in various roles in high school productions, including Mushnik in Little Shop Of Horrors, and most recently as Kate in From Up Here. In her free time, she likes to write, produce and perform her own music. With experience on various ends of the performing spectrum, she strives to be the next big thing in the music industry. Eat your heart out, Ariana Grande.

Listen to Val’s music here!